Friday, April 30, 2010

the Power of Oprah and other things that really don't matter...

So, Oprah's doing this big campaign to get people off of the phone while they're driving. Ok, I get it. I even agree with it. My issue is that she did a big show today where different cities were shown all signing her pledge and basically bowing down to Oprah, saying their cars would be no phone zones, all because she said to. I'm not sure about the other cities on her show today, but LA was represented and it's against the law in CA to use your phone while driving. I'm not signing any pledge from Oprah, I signed a pledge when I got my CA driver's license. These idiots on TV displayed total disregard for the law (apparently) but because they had an opportunity to be on Oprah, they signed a pledge. Are you kidding me? Alright, getting off my soapbox, now. Oprah just annoys me...or maybe it's all of the people who worship her that annoy me...

Moving on-It's been a rough week of parenting at Osborn abode. Avery's been fine, except when provoked by McKenna. She is still working on self-control and just ignoring her sisters. I think McKenna is just now acting out b/c of the move and transition (something I went through in January and February and most of March) She talks about Wichita a lot, even Abby. She's overly whiney, and reverts to screaming and moaning when things don't go her way. Kevin says she's just a middle child. Maybe I should read a book about that. hmmm. Presley is just testing her boundaries. This week it was trying to climb to the top bunk in her big sisters' room. Lots of time-outs, tears, and "sorry, mommy." And then, we repeat the scenario 5 minutes later. Very frustrating. I'll be so glad to get rid of those bunk beds. They were good for us and served their purpose the last 3 years, but I'm done. Miraculously, the girls have been good in the evenings, so Kevin probably thinks I'm losing my mind and making all of this up. Oh, well.

I read somewhere that I am supposed to be keeping track of the baby's kicks in the morning and evening. I should feel 10 kicks within an hour, both times of day. All I can say is, this kid kicks me 10 times in about 8 minutes when I finally slow down and count. He's all over the place. It feels like there's an alien in my stomach! I'm well aware that there will come a time when I will miss feeling these kicks, but that's hard to comprehend right now.

Tonight, it's movie night at our house. We are watching Princess and the Frog and eating CPK delivery. I can't wait for CPK-Sonora egg rolls, yummmmmm Tomorrow, the girls are going to a birthday party. I must say, I'm a little jealous-they're getting pedicures and manicures at this party! It sounds so fun. They are so excited and I'm excited for them. And jealous. Maybe I can sneak a trip to Crate and Barrel sometime this weekend. That might make up for it.

1 comment:

Gerri said...

You could send that "middle child" back to Kansas with Gerold and Leora and then she could go back with me in June. We would take her to Denver for Blake's wedding, Grandpa would take her fishing, she could do VBS, etc., etc. Or would that be too long of a break for you?