Monday, February 15, 2010

Birthday, hearts and lots of coughing

I turned 35 on Saturday. I don't feel 35. I guess I don't know what I feel. Some days older, some days younger. I'm sure Kevin will remind me for the next 6 months that I'm older than he is. He's good at that. And, I love him anyway. I got to spend the day with 4 of my favorite people, Kevin and the girls. The night before (Friday) McKenna was looking through a cookbook and asked me to make some dish for breakfast the next day. I told her I wasn't cooking tomorrow b/c it was my birthday. I wish you could've seen the look on her face. She didn't know how to respond, but was wondering how she would eat the next day. So cute. Kevin went and got Panera for breakfast and saved the day, in McKenna's eyes. I got my hair done. Won't be doing that anytime soon. Sticker shock to say the least. The lady who did my color kept implying that she had to fix my midwest color job. whatever. Avery took a picture to send to Aunt Marla.

On to Malibu and the beach. It was beautiful. We didn't have beach toys, but I did bring some plastic cups and the girls used them to play in the sand. Afterwards, we went to Gladstones and ate supper. Then home. A great day.
Woke up Sunday morning at 3am to McKenna coughing like crazy. Around 8, I took her to the urgent care center here. The wait time for adults was 3 hours. Luckily, a pediatrician came in at 9 and we got in shortly after. He didn't say much-just lots of fluids, nose spray, and an rx for sleeping cough medicine. What a way to start Valentines Day. We didn't get to make it to church. The girls had a birthday party to go to in the afternoon. Presley took a nap, thankfully. So, Kevin and I did what any normal couple would do on Valentines Day with kids gone or napping. We slept.
Notice the fancy plastic cup holding the flowers? My vases are packed in a box, somewhere. So, we improvised. For supper, the girls had heart shaped pizza and chocolate strawberries. I made a spread of cheese/crackers/grapes and such for Kevin and me to enjoy after they went to bed.
We put the girls to bed, as usual. 15 minutes later...
Presley just wouldn't go to sleep. She enjoyed our V-day meal with us. Ah, the life with 3 kids, no babysitter, and ultra thin walls that prevent us from letting her cry herself to sleep.
Hope your Valentines Day was great, and less chaotic than ours!

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