Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Dirty laundry

Doing the laundry is not a huge issue with me. I do it, because it needs to be done. End of story. I don't labor over it. I just do it, most of the time. There's a part of me that covets every time I hear the commercial where Kelly Ripa says that she can do an entire load of laundry in 36 minutes. It takes me 2 hours. Actually, I do the laundry on Mondays and Thursdays, only. I wash all of our clothes and towels on those days. I wash all of our sheets on Tuesdays. Now that Avery is sleeping on the top bunk, I'm washing 3 sets of sheets, instead of the usual 2. Changing the sheets on a bunk bed is NOT fun. In fact, it's downright hard. I have to get Avery to climb up to the top bunk and pull the fitted sheet to the far corner. I don't like changing the sheets. Can you tell today was when I did them?
Now that Presley is eating solid food, I'm doing more of her laundry. We wash a lot of bibs. And, we use ALOT of Shout.
I'm still making my own laundry detergent. It works, along with color bleach for the kids' clothes. I use Gain Lavender scented detergent for our towels and sheets b/c I love the way it smells.
So, I'm wondering...how often do you do laundry? Everyday? When you run out of clean clothes? Now's the time to air it...


marla said...

I didn't seem to have a problem w/ laundry until I got married-and that's probably b/c my mom did it until then for me! Phil has his own way of doing his laundry(2 rinses!), so I usually take care of mine and Reese's. And your girls can tell you exactly where the clean laundry goes once it's done(on "grandma's bed"). We have at least one load running every night. Phil starts his right before bed and sets the alarm for 3am to wake up and put it in the dryer so that it's done by morning.

Karen said...

Wow! I don't change the sheets nearly that often.

We don't have specific days when we do laundry, but it seems like we throw a load in every day. I don't mind doing the laundry, but I hate folding it. Luckily folding laundry seems to appeal to Ryan's OCD, so he usually does it. I really hate putting laundry away, even though it doesn't take long at all.

Michelle Osborn said...

Marla, that's just weird! We do around 10 loads a week, give or take a few. And I ALWAYS wash, dry, and fold as soon as possible, b/c I know if I don't, it won't get done :)_

Meldrum Fam said...

michelle...i love that i can communicate with you this way...we just moved out of our house and sold all to ship ourselves off to iraq 2 months ago...so laundry happens whenever the bag fills up and we are staying somewhere that i can use their machine! but before i was TOTALLY a monday and thursday washer! that is so funny! i also did the sheets every week and we also had a bunkbed...totally can commiserate on that one. once we get to iraq however...laundry will be even crazier...that is one of my biggest fears. for sure we will not have a dryer or downey, which i am totally addicted to. =) so i will have to get back to you on that. =) hope you guys are well. your girls are SO adorable, i really cannot fathom that avery is so grown up...how much fun would it be to get our girls together again!

Anonymous said...

Sadly, there have been times when my laundry pile is as tall as my children! We do laundry in emergency batches, "Quick! What do we need for tomorrow? Underwear? Great, let's start a load tonight and try to get it in the dryer before bedtime." It's a miserable way of life and one of my top priorities when I leave work in July!


Brandi said...

Marla, your husband is crazy, but at least he does laundry. Anya tells Josh that he needs to go to laundry school, so he can help mommy. I'm picky about the way things get washed, and dryed so really I don't want his help.

Michelle, I tend to do laundry as needed, and have been know to go buy something rather than wash. When I finally do the laundry it takes me 2 days straight, and then we don't have enough space for all the clothes. I'm a terrible!